Coach Judy Live
with Judy Romanoff
"LIVE" WGSN-DB Going Solo Network
Facebook & YouTube
Monthly - 3rd Sunday @
1:00 pm PT/5:00 pm CT/4:00 pm ET

Coach Judy
Coach Judy Romanoff
Cognitive Trainer for the Mind, Talk Show Host, National Recognized Expert: Divorce & Single Parenting, Media International & Local Personality
Delray Beach, FL
Coach Judy Live
with Judy Romanoff
Live Streaming Monthly - 3rd Sunday @
1:00 pm PT /5:00 pm CT/4:00 pm ET
WGSN-DB Going Solo Network
FaceBook Page & YouTube
"Planting Seeds 4 Creating Positive Thoughts and Actions."
Offering Insights through guests who are Experts to Everyday People on topics from
A to Z.
Let's Get the Facts to Act, & "Achieve Success Personally and Professionally."
How Can Coach Judy Live Talk Show Impact your life?
"Discover Simple Tips to Creating Positives Energy When Feeling Stressed," by host Coach Judy, Cognitive Trainer for the Mind, " How to Work In the Best Interest of Our Children"
A Catalyst for Creating Positive Thoughts and Actions 4 Success by Our Guests
Be sure to subscribe, like and comment "LIVE" to join in on the conversation.
A bit more about Coach Judy...
She is now called a, “Cognitive Trainer for the Mind.” And has earned such titles as: Hometown Hero, Dr. Phil of Family Court, the Oprah of S. Florida, Voice of the Single Parent, Empowerment Coach, Talk Show Host, and others.
Judy Romanoff is an Empowering Dynamic Practical Thinking Women, who took her personal challenges and turned them into Positive Actions.
The knowledge gained in various areas from the legal system, to understanding human behavior, how to build a business on a shoe string budget, what it takes to deal with all types of challenges to survive, even ones that can destroy a persons well being, and the understanding of how critical it is that we know where to turn, for the right resources when needed.
Judy who came from a privileged life discovered her bubble had burst. She was forced by unexpected trust during her first 39 years of life, to see what she knew as her life, was over.
Finding herself alone to battle a legal situation she never expected to be in when saying yes, Judy was forced to take action and found success.
She discovered her inner-self and skills that are her asset today that, “Propelled her into a new, exciting, and positive ways of living her life, that one would have never have expected.” Her mom said before her passing, “that she was the most positive person she ever knew.”
Today millions across the globe have benefited from the knowledge she bestows upon them through newspaper articles, when exposing what she was going through at the time, to TV and Radio interviews from the local to international media outlets, and as a talk show host since 2002.
The experiences allowed her to understand exactly what people are experiencing and feelings that leave scars on many levels, the struggles to create changes, and how to see challenges as an “opportunity for learning,” a phrase learned from her father, long before her life changed, no matter if they are negative and or positive. To create a FOUNDATIONS to accept what you can do to bring positive change, new energy and joy into your life, no matter what life hit’s you at any time.”
And why Coach Judy knows the type of programs needed & what to say to empower you to reach or plan goals regardless of where you came from. In Business & Personally.
Coach Judy Live
with Judy Romanoff
"LIVE" WGSN-DB Going Solo Network
Facebook & YouTube
Monthly - 2nd Sunday @
1:00 pm PT/5:00 pm CT/4:00 pm ET
DelRay Beach, FL
ASK Coach Judy... Be sure to send an email to Coach Judy with any questions and comments and she will confidentially answer on one of their great shows. Just click the button....